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CTS hardware & software


Server selection is critical to your online and offline business. At Cavalier Technical Services (CTS) we are more than willing to help you in finding the right server solution for your business. Our highly trained and technical team understands what is needed from the smallest of businesses to the largest international companies.The relevance of the service we provide is based on the reasons your business needs a server:

 Central repository of data files. A server provides your business with the full security and protection that is needed for your critical business data in the case of an error or any other unforeseen mishaps.

 The hosting of applications. A server can host most of your company’s applications, which will significantly lower your software costs and labor.

 Remote access. An investment in a server will give you and your staff the option and ability to remotely access your business programs and data.

 Higher productivity. While nearly any personal computer is capable of acting as a network server, a dedicated server contains features that makes it more suitable for a productive environment. These features may include a faster CPU, longer operational times without interruption, and increased access and availability.There are different types of servers and each is equipped with the relevant features to address the needs of your business:

 Tower Servers. This is the traditional form of a server and is generally used for a smaller organization. It is about the same size as a tower desktop computer, but includes all the high functional features of a server.

 Rack Servers. A rack server is standard for environments where multiple servers reside in a metal rack structure. The advantage of a rack server is that it minimizes the amount of floor space needed and centralizes all servers in a lockable cabinet. A rack also controls the costs of cabling, battery protection, and cooling by keeping all the servers in a smaller area.

 Blade Servers: A blade server is a highly compact server that shares a central enclosure, providing both power and networking features. This saves up to 60% more space than the traditional rack servers.

 Hybrid Servers. These servers include multiple independent servers within the same body. This is ideal for organizations that need to save space without having to purchase a full blade environment.

Do you current have a server for your business?

Maybe it is time to upgrade. The team at CTS can make the right assessment base on your needs and recommend the best server for your business. Technology advances very quickly and newer servers can better protect your data, lower your electrical costs, or allow you to upgrade to new virtualization solutions.

Whatever your server needs are, the sales professionals at CTS will recommend the proper server solutions. Call us today and we will be more than happy to guide you through the process of selecting a server that is best for your business and cost effective.

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    Cavalier Technical Services / CTS


    224 West 35th Street – Suite 202,

    New York, NY 10001

    Telephone: 212-682-1780

    Fax: 212-490-5881

